The idea of building a house without traditional heating in one of the coldest parts of New Zealand may sound crazy, but that did not stop Michael Sly and Jodie Lynes from developing an efficient “climate home”.
The house remains consistently at 23 °C and it produces enough energy for both the building itself and for charging the family’s electric car.
Mechanical ventilation is an important component in Passive Houses, because the house is so airtight that it needs to be able to “breathe”. The ventilation system is the “heart and lungs” of the house
All building materials had to be imported from Europe, but the reduction in energy consumption for both the house and the car justified the slightly higher building costs.
Jodie is a great fan of Scandinavian design and minimalism, which is reflected in the interior design of the house.
Nilan’s Compact P unit was chosen because Michael not only wanted to build the first Passive House in New Zealand. He also wanted to utilise Compact P to produce domestic hot water via the extract air.
Compact P can also heat the supply air and thereby help heat the dwelling.
Compact P has a reversible cooling circuit and it can therefore cool the supply air in the summer. When cooling the air, the heat is transferred to the domestic hot water, which is then essentially heated “for free”.
Get more information on Compact P
Client..........: Michael Sly
Location..........: Queenstown - New Zealand |